Medical and dental surgical procedures often trigger stress causing discomfort and at times, minor medical emergencies, such as vasovagal episodes (temporary loss of consciousness).

Stress can also trigger other underlying medical condition, such as bronchospasm in asthmatic patients or angina problems in cardiac patients. For short procedures involving many surgical sites (wisdom teeth) or complex procedures (impacted teeth exposure for orthodontic traction), it is possible that your surgeon recommends sedation for your surgery. During this treatment modality, you will be unconscious following the administration of intravenous drugs.

The surgical team will consist of the maxillofacial surgeon, a registered nurse and a dental assistant. You will be breathing spontaneously but unconscious as in a deep sleep. In order to ensure a safe procedure, it’s essential to follow the instructions given by your surgeon at your initial appointment. You must follow the instructions below:

Do not eat or drink 6 hours before your appointment.

Take your medication as previously discussed with the surgeon.

Be accompanied by an adult who will take you home and will be with you for a minimum of 4 hours after leaving the office (unless otherwise advised by your surgeon).

Wear comfortable, loose clothing with short sleeves. This will allow for the use of cardiac monitors and other medical sensors.

During surgery, while you are asleep, the surgical team will administer drugs to prevent pain, inflammation and nausea. This measure will help ease you into a conscious state and ensure a more comfortable postoperative period. The drugs used are considered very safe and respect the highest standards of the medical and dental fields. They wear off quickly and allow for a rapid recovery of consciousness. The surgeon and the team will be able to inform you when you may leave the office.

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